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16:00 Registration desk opens
18:00 Welcome cocktail



Registration desk opens


Opening & Welcome


Luis Fonseca

Spokesperson of the ECT 2022 Organizing Committee

Jan Koenig

President of the European Thermoelectric Society

Plenary I - Auditorium

Advanced Radioisotope Power Systems for Future Space Science & Exploration
Jean Pierre Fleurial


Chairperson: Raul Aragonés

Plenary II - Auditorium

Mechanical property of thermoelectric modules

Ryoji Funahashi


Chairperson: Raul Aragonés


Session I - Auditorium



Chairpersons: Juri Grin and Emmanuel Guilmeau


Novel family of n-type thermoelectric oxides based on La0.15-xEuxSr0.775TiO3-δ Stephanie Mudd


High Performance (ZT>1) Strontium Titanate based Oxide Nanocomposites for High Temperature Thermoelectric Power Generation Tanmoy Maiti


Stress/Pressure-Stabilized Cubic Polymorph of Li3Sb with Improved Thermoelectric Performance Mujde Yahyaoglu


Reduction of Thermal Conductivity of Mg2Sn Single Crystal via Lattice-Defect Engineering through Chemical-Pressure Control Kei Hayashi


Tuning of thermoelectric performance of Al doped ZnO using in-situ O2 plasma treatment with integration into hot pipe networks Vikesh Sethi


SrCuP and SrCuSb Zintl Phases as New Thermoelectrics screened by DFT Adrien Moll

Session II - Parallel room



Chairpersons: Ryoji Funahashi and Carlo Fanciulli


Successful developments in thermoelectric applications David Astrain


Development Status of Skutterudite-based Thermoelectric Technology for Integration into a Potential Skutterudite-Multi Mission Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generator Thierry Caillat


Use of Waste Heat Recovery Units to transform European energy demanding industries into more sustainable Raúl Aragonés


Development of a novel gas thermoelctric generator (TEG) accumulating electricity and heat with ~80 % total efficiency Roni Shneck


Investigating novel and cost-effective thermoelectric systems for energy recovery in steel making processes Matthew Phillips


Implementation of devices self-powered by Fe2VAl-based thermoelectric generator for sensor applications in the scope of domestic hot water distribution Valentin Marchal


Session III - Auditorium



Chairpersons: María Ibañez and Cestmir Drasar


Beyond rattling: tetrahedrites as thermoelectric materials with low thermal conductivity Paz Vaqueiro


3D Bi2Te3 cross-linked nanowire network metamaterials for enhanced thermoelectric efficiency Marisol Martín


Thermoelectric properties of high-entropy-type metal chalcogenide compounds Aichi Yamashita


Unexpected Complexity in Substituted Chalcopyrites Anthony Powell


Interplay of electron structure features and entropy improving thermoelectric properties in Cu7P(SxSe1−x)6 p-type argyrodites Janusz Tobola


Session IV - Parallel room



Chairpersons: Jean Pierre Fleurial and David Astrain


3D printing of inorganic thermoelectric materials and devices Jae Sung Son


Magnesium-silicide-based thermoelectric generators: prototypes, analysis and challenges Johannes de Boor


Heat sink implementation on micro-thermoelectric generators (µTEGs) for power enhancement Alex Rodríguez


High power 2.5D integrated thermoelectric generators combined with microchannels technology Guillaume Savelli


On-chip silicon-based thermoelectric generator Elisabetta Dimaggio


Session V - Auditorium



Chairpersons: Marisol Martín and

Krzysztof Wojciechowski


Interplay between magnetism and thermopower in the CuCr1-xTi1+xS4 thiospinels Sylvie Hebert


Machine-Learning Guided Prospection Of Efficient Thermoelectric Chalcogenides Florent Pawula


Enhanced stability in nanostructured p-type Pb0.993-xNaxGe0.007Te for high efficiency thermoelectric modules Philipp Sauerschnig


Do we really know our old materials? Bi2Se3 as a prototype of promising thermoelectric materials? ÄŒestmír Drašar


Origins of low thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric performance in Cl-doped Bi2Te3-xSex alloys Taras Parashchuk


Session VI - Parallel room



Chairpersons: Jae Sung Son and Johannes de Boor


Tuning Electronic and Ionic Transport by Carbon-based Additives in Polymer Electrolytes for Thermoelectric Applications Maximilian Frank


Micro Thermoelectric Devices: from thermal management to powering the internet of things Aditya Savitha Dutt


From sustainable thermoelectric materials to devices: a contribution António Pereira


High performance Te-free thermoelectric modules for Low-T applications Pingjun Ying


Fabrication and characterization of an environmentally friendly Mg2(Si,Sn) thermoelectric generator Julia Camut


Posters SESSION 1

Chairpersons: Marisol Martin, Nils Katenbrink and Franck Gascoin



Registration desk opens


Plenary III - Auditorium

Heusler compounds: unconfined prospects for tuning thermoelectricity

Ernst Bauer


Chairperson: Andreu Cabot

Plenary IV - Auditorium
Processing and Doping of Bulk Materials for Organic Thermoelectrics

Christian Müller


Chairperson: Andreu Cabot


Session VII - Auditorium



Chairpersons: Christian Müller and Sawako Nakamae


Does microstructure govern the thermal conductivity in semiconducting polymers? Mariano Campoy


Sustainable thermoelectric materials based on lignocellulose biomass Mario Culebras


Flexible thermoelectric thin films based on layered nanoporous Ca3Co4O9 Binbin Xin


Millimeter thick mesoporous PEDOT: PSS aerogels exhibiting high power output for promising integration in vertical TEGs Quentin Weinbach


Organic-inorganic hybrids based on mesoporous silicon and functionalized molecules for thermoelectrics Natalia Gostkowska-Lekner


Session VIII - Parallel room



Chairpersons: Ilaria Zardo and Dario Narducci


Engineering thermal transport in nanowire: material design and innovative experimental techniques Ilaria Zardo


Charge and heat transport in calcium-manganate oxides for thermoelectric energy harvesting Yaron Amouyal


Considering the role of ion transport in diffuson-dominated thermal transport Tim Bernges


Anderson transition in stoichiometric Fe2VAl: High thermoelectric power factor driven by antisite disorder Fabian Garmroudi


Transport and magnetothermoelectric properties of some Co-based sulfides Antoine Maignan


From phonons to the thermal properties of complex crystals Stephane Pailhes


Session IX - Auditorium



Chairpersons: Paz Vaquerio and Janusz Tobola


Surface functionalization of surfactant-free particles to tailor nanocomposite’s properties and enhance thermoelectric performance Maria Ibañez


High Thermoelectric Performance in Lithium Germanium Bismuth Tellurides by Optimizing Microstructure and Transport Properties Matthias Jakob


Thermoelectric Inks and Power Factor Tunability in Hybrid Films through All Solution Process Bejan Hamawandi


As-grown nanostructured thermoelectric thin films Olga Caballero


Flexible Thermoelectric Paper and its thermoelectric generator from Bacterial Cellulose/Ag2Se Nanocomposites Supree Pinitsoontorn


Grain growth engineering in solution processed silver selenide Tobias Kleinhanns


Session X - Parallel room



Chairpersons: Xanthippi Zianni and Karel Knizek


Efficient ab initio-based thermoelectric transport simulations beyond the constant relaxation time approximation using the ElecTra code Neophytos Neophytou


Dynamical tuning of the thermal conductivity via magnetophononic effects Riccardo Rurali


Finding Relationship Between the Local Structure and Electronic Orbital Occupation Using Machine Learning Wenhao Zhang


Thermoelectric properties of multiple component (high entropy) silicides Ole Martin Løvvik


Inherent anharmonicity of harmonic solids Mathias Agne


Thermoelectricity by spontaneous particle-hole symmetry breaking Alessandro Braggio


Session XI - Auditorium



Chairperson: JP Chapuis


Magnetism and defect enhanced thermoelectric materials and devices Takao Mori


Exploration of the thermoelectric properties of Cu and Ag ternary metal phosphides Robert Quinn


Influence of implantation induced defects on the thermoelectric properties of ScN Razvan Burcea 


Session XII - Parallel room



Chairperson: Riccardo Rurali


From low-dimensional nanostructures to thermoelectric metamaterials Xanthippi Zianni


Thermopower and Short-range Order Parameter in Self-consistent Spin-Wave Theory: A Path for Designing Spin-driven Thermoelectric Materials Daryoosh Vashaee


A new method for detecting resonant levels in thermoelectric semiconductors Bartlomiej Wiendlocha

Posters SESSION 2

Chairpersons: Marisol Martin, Nils Katenbrink and Franck Gascoin


Conference dinner



Registration desk opens



Plenary V - Auditorium

Controlling thermal transport in 2D materials
Marianna Sledzinska


Chairperson: Luis Fonseca

Plenary VI - Auditorium
Silicon: A Revenant Thermoelectric for Energy Autonomous Integrated Circuits

Mark Lee


Chairperson: Luis Fonseca


Session XIII - Auditorium



Chairpersons: Mark Lee and Theodora Kyratsi


Exceptional thermoelectric power factor in hyper-doped nanocrystalline silicon thin films upon dehydrogenation Dario Narducci


Thermoelectric properties of CMOS compatible (Si)GeSn/Ge heterostructures for on-chip devices Agnieszka Anna Corley


SiGe nanowires epitaxially integrated into thermal micro-harvesters Alex Morata


Realising enhanced thermoelectric performance in partially substituted higher manganese silicides crystals Nagendra Chauhan


Thermoelectric performance of nanostructured β–FeSi2 alloys synthesized by “in situ” SPS Romain Viennois


Ultrafast High-temperature Sintering of Mg2Si Stefano Boldrini


Session XIV - Parallel room



Chairpersons: Mariano Campoy and Jorge García Cañadas


Impact of nanostructuring on effective thermal conductivity studied by scanning thermal microscopy Pierre Olivier Chapuis


Novel methods for the thermoelectric characterization of microgenerator-integrable individual nanowires José Manuel Sojo


Towards a complete characterization of thermoelectric materials by micro four-point probe (M4PP) technique Braulio Beltrán


Thermoelectric Characterization of Electrodeposited Materials and its Application in Micro Thermoelectric Devices Heiko Reith


Mapping local Seebeck variations in 2D materials devices Yubin Huang


Development of the thermo-reflectance method for thermal conductivity measurements of thin films & small crystals and elucidating interfacial thermal resistance Takahiro Baba


Session XV - Auditorium



Chairpersons: Ernst Bauer and Eckhard Mueller


Improved thermoelectric properties in mesograined Fe2VAl Eric Alleno




Optimisation of the thermoelectric properties of Fe2VAl thin films obtained by co-sputtering Geoffrey Roy


Ultimate phonon scattering of half-Heusler compounds by high pressure sintering Ran He


Synthesis, Characterization and thermoelectric properties of n-type half Heusler materials via Mechanical Alloying Giorgios Mesaritis


Pseudo 3D-Printed Half-Heuslers Matthew Burton


Session XVI - Parallel room



Chairpersons: Jeff Snyder and Antonio Pereira Gonçalves


Recent Advancements in Complex Fluid Thermoelectric Research Sawako Nakamae


Solid-state/optical alternatives to thermoelectricity for thermal-to-electrical energy conversion Pierre Olivier Chapuis


Thermoelectric coeffient dependency on chemical composition of ionic liquid based ferrofluids Thiago Fiuza


Flexible μ-thermoelectric devices towards emerging technologies on the Era of Internet of Things Andre Pereira


Exploring new concepts to try to reach Seebeck coefficient values above 1 mV/K in metals Jorge García


Plenary VII - Auditorium

Engineering Electronic Properties of Thermoelectric Semiconductors
Jeff Snyder


Chairperson: Luis Fonseca

Closing & Farewell

Ancla 1


September 13-14


Emerging topics


How thermo-electrochemical cells work. Explained by an impedance spectroscopy study


Correlating thermal conductivity, structure and doping in thermoelectric polymers


The ExB Thermoelectric Effect


A solid electrolyte able to significantly enhance the power factor of a thermoelectric oxide film


Doping by design: Enhanced thermoelectric performance of GeSe-based alloys through metavalent bonding


Thermoelectric devices and applications


Geothermal thermoelectric generators: a promising alternative for hot dry rock fields


New thermoelectric generator with no moving parts nor environmental impact for high temperature geothermal energy

Batteryless IoT for smart monitoring in ATEX and energy demanding industries


An experimental approach to flexible thermoelectrics for energy harvesting applications


Performance optimization of vapor compression systems provided with natural refrigerants by including thermoelectric subcooling


Fabrication of planar micro-thermoelectric generators integrating a 2.5D thermopile topology


Heat Fluxmeter in Silicon technology with low thermal resistance


Comparison of design concepts for ceramic oxide thermoelectric multilayer generators


Experimental transcritical carbon dioxide refrigeration cycle working with a thermoelectric subcooler and an internal heat exchanger


Long-term autonomous volcanic surveillance powered by thermoelectric generators


Model-based Design of Thermoelectric Generators for Waste Heat Recovery from Marine Engine Exhaust Gases


Experimental performance study of multistage thermoelectic heat pumps used for thermal energy storage


Efficiency and thermal stability of silicide-based thermoelectric modules


Evaluation of cooling effect of simulated PA MMIC device using peltier cooler


Development and test results of overheating protection of thermoelectric systems for utilization of radiative waste heat in industrial environments


Flexible multilayer graphene-based devices for large-area thermoelectric sensing applications


Thermoelectric Generators for Waste Heat Recovery in Heavy-Duty Vehicles

Printed thermoelectric generators wirelessly powered by high-power laser beam


Estimation of the thermal breakdown voltage of Al2O3 anodic layer for thermoelectric module substrate


Critical thermal stress between high / intermediate temperature thermoelectric elements and passive layers: a finite element evaluation


Boosting Thermoelectric Power Generation Coupling NIR absorbers for Wireless Power Transfer


Development of a Thermoelectric Generator for Industrial Waste Heat


Recovery at a Zinc Melting Furnace: Operation Conditions and Simulation


Novel thick film thermoelectric devices for heat sink-free energy harvesting applications


Experimental investigation of heat losses and energy balance of a commercial condensing boiler with thermoelectric generators (TEG)


Powering Wearable Electronics with Modular Thermoelectric Generators – Material Optimization to Device and System Demonstration


Maximizing Vehicle Thermoelectric Generator Output through Thermal control: simulations and concept validation


Enabling Large-Scale Waste Heat Recovery Applications using Thermoelectrics: Affordable materials, geometries and methods sutable for upscaling


Thermoelectric materials and materials processing


Refractory Metal Inclusions and Their Impact on the Thermoelectric Performance of La3-xTe4 Composites


Going further and towards sustainability: magnesium-based materials for space applications


Lattice dynamics and thermoelectric properties of Ca-Si alloys


Room Temperature Thermoelectric Performance of n-type Multiphase Pseudo-Binary Bi2Te3 – Bi2S3 Compounds


Adjustement of carrier concentration and texturation processing on thermoelectric silicide – Higher Manganese Silicide (HMS) and CrSi2


Influence of implantation induced defects on the thermoelectric properties of ScN


The influence of nanocrystalline grains in the amorphous Silicon matrix on the Power Factor of hot wire chemical vapor deposited silicon films


Optimizing the thermoelectric performance of nanocrystalline Si thin films by à la carte B doping using sputtering co-deposition


Application of MXene reinforced nanocomposites for thermoelectric power generation


Establishing synthesis-structure-property relationships for enhanced and reproducible MgAgSb thermoelectric properties


Silicon-alloy thermoelectric nanostructured fibers


Laser Processing of Zn4Sb3 Thermoelectric Powders


Discovery of new thermoelectric copper-based sulfides


Significant influence of microstructure on the thermoelectric performance of Mg3+xSb1.49Bi0.49Te0.02 (x=0.2, 0.3, 0.4)


High Performance Tin Sulfide Thin Films Prepared by Aerosol Assisted Chemical Vapor Deposition


Oxide composites for high temperature thermoelectric power generation


Using graphite as mobility boaster in La and Nb co-doped SrTiO3 for enhanced thermoelectric performance


Polycrystalline samples showing axis-dependent conduction polarity and investigation of new materials


On the enhancement of thermoelectric properties of Bi2-xYxO2Se ceramics


Epitaxial growth and thermoelectric properties of Mg3Bi2 thin films deposited by magnetron sputtering


CMOS compatible silicon based thin films on 300 mm wafer level for thermoelectric applications


Powder-Aerosol deposited (PAD) calcium manganate as n-type thermoelectric material


Thermoelectric properties of Mg(Si, Sn) prepared by different grades of Si-kerf from PV manufacturing


Point Defects and Thermoelectric Properties of Melt-grown Mg2Ge Single Crystals


Enhancement in Thermoelectric Efficiency of n-type Yb-Filled Co4Sb12 via Incorporation of InSb and Carbon-Coated Nano-Boron


Reducing the thermal conductivity of nanocrystalline CuNi alloys


Thermoelectric performance of Y-doped CaMnO3-based oxides processed by ball milling


Evolution of the microstructure and thermoelectric performance of strontium titanate-graphene materials


Impact of oxygen deficiency on thermoelectric properties of Bi2O2Se


Metallic Bismuth Seed Transformation to Synthesize Multinary Pnictogen based Chalcogenide Nanocrystals with Low Thermal Conductivity


Transport phenomena


Disorder-induced localization for bidimensional thermolectrics optimization


Mobility-enhanced thermoelectric performance in textured nanograin Bi2Se3, effect on scattering and surface-like transport


Dynamic instability of higher manganese silicides


Thermal conductivity in BiSb alloys


Thermoelectric and magnetic properties of Co2ZrSn and Co2HfSn Heusler alloys


On the phonon and magnon drag thermopower


Determination of transport properties of a electrochemically deposited polycrystalline SnSe thin film on Au-substrate by spectroscopic ellipsometry


Transverse thermoelectric properties of CuCr2X4 (X=S, Se and Te), experiment and ab-initio calculation


Thermoelectrical properties and EPR in Sb2-xCuxTe3 single crystals


Electrochemical and thermoelectric characterization of mixed-conducting high-entropy oxides


Bipolar transport in Bi-Sb alloys


Highly efficient Monte Carlo simulation method for transport in complex nanostructured thermoelectric materials


Measurement of ionic Seebeck coefficient of Cu2-δSe at the phase transition


Bonding pattern and atomic disorder vs. thermoelectric properties in Ga3Fe-type intermetallic semiconductors


September 15-16


Advanced characterization


Figure of Merit and Thermal Conductivity – Characterization of Thermoelectric Materials by the Powerful Combination of Light/Laser Flash Analyzer (LFA) and Seebeck Analyzer (SBA)


I want a simple tool to characterise my thermoelectric device and my generator. Use impedance spectroscopy


Fe Segregation as a Tool to Enhance Electrical Conductivity of Grain Boundaries in Ti(Co,Fe)Sb Half Heusler Thermoelectrics


Electrical Contacts Characterization and Computer Simulations of Tetrahedrite Based Devices


Atomic site distributions in medium / high temperature range application thermoelectrics: an HRTEM and electron channeling study


Systematic study of Ag2(SeTeS)1 chalcogenides for wearable thermoelectrics


Characterization of Thermoelectric Generator Modules: Analytical Study on Heat Flow Determination under Transient Temperature Conditions.


On the Microstructure-Property Relationship of Full-Heusler Fe2VAl Manipulated by Laser Surface Remelting


Error source analysis of the ‘Combined ThermoElectric Measurement’ (CTEM) apparatus by means of a digital twin


Phonon characterization by neutron inelastic scattering experiments


Study of the annealing effects on thin films prepared with phase vapour deposition of Bi2Te3 and Sb2Te3 compounds with full figure of merit characterization.


Extracting thermal diffusivity of thermoelectric materials using micro four-point probe


Thermoelectric properties and electronic structure of high-strength martensitic AISI 4340 steel

Lattice dynamics and anharmonicity of thermoelectric BiCuSeO


Measurement device for measuring the electrical conductivity, the Hall constant and the Seebeck coefficient up to 800 °C.


Theory and modelling


Optimal alloying site for reducing lattice thermal conductivity of Half-Heusler


Impact of doping on the lattice thermal conductivity of PEDOT:PSS


More than 500 new low bandgap materials identified in a hybrid functional screening study – some with very promising thermoelectric properties


Stability, Electronic Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of Functionalized 2D Molybdenum Nitrides – MXenes


Thermoelectric properties of Cobalt doped n-type Bi2Te3


Efficient and reliable scattering rate extraction in complex band thermoelectric materials from first principles: The case of Mg3Sb2


Dual-phase-lagging heat conduction for porous media thermoelectric materials


Advanced simulation tools for thermoelectric materials


Finding Low Lattice Thermal Conductivity Compounds in Materials Space: Machine Learning with Active Sampling


Anomalous Paramagnon Thermopower: The Role of Inter-Layer Spin-Spin Correlations


Screening quaternary Heusler by machine learning for application in thermoelectricity


When Power Factor Supersedes zT to Determine Power in a Thermocouple


Machine learning enabled thermoelectric generator modelling and optimisation


Thermoelectric materials and materials processing


Investigation of anharmonicity of lattice vibration using Grüneisen parameter in BiCh2-based compounds


Thermoelectric performance of natural and mechanochemically synthesized copper (I) selenide


Synthesis and transport properties of the chalcogenide semiconductor Bi2Te2Se


Enhanced thermoelectric performance of chalcogenide by band structure modification using Halide dping




Electrophoretic deposition of Bi2Te3 nanoparticles through electrolyte optimization and substrate design


Nano Structured PbTe and PbSe Thermoelectric Films with Reduced Thermal Conductivity and Increased Seebeck Coefficient


Implementing porosity in n-type polymer hybrid aerogels for promising thermoelectric efficiency


Synthesis and characterization of flexibe thermoelectric Bi2Se3/CNT hybrid structures


3D flexible nanostructured thermoelectric devices grown by scalable techniques


Synthesis and characterization of n-type TaCoSn half-Heusler compound


Achieving both p-type and n-type of thermoelectric performance in Zr2FeNiSb2 double half-heusler compounds


Ultralow lattice thermal conductivity in filled β-manganese-type phases: role of lone-pair-like interaction and bonding inhomogeneity


Understanding Oxidation Kinetics of RE3-xTe4 for Improved Corrosion Resistance


Impact of side-chain length on the thermoelectric and mechanical properties of oligoether-substituted polythiophenes


Additive manufacturing of thermoelectric modules based on Fe_2 VAl Heusler compound,a feasibility study


The importance of the different synthetic steps in the production of thermoelectric materials from solution-processed particles: the case of SnSe


Surface ions' role in the properties of polycrystalline SnSe produced in water


Textile thermoelectric generators based on carbon nanototubes and PEDOT bilayers


Effect of powder’s particle size on the thermoelectric performance of BixSb2-xTe3 alloys fabricated via melting and mechanical alloying


High Thermoelectric Performance in Lithium Germanium Bismuth Tellurides by Optimizing Microstructure and Transport Properties


Enhanced thermoelectric performance of Bi0.3Sb1.7Te3.0+x milled with yttria-stabilized zirconia balls and vessels


Thermoelectric enhancement in composite half Heusler (hH): TiNbFeCoSb2


Conductive polymer with inorganic particles as elastic thermoelectric composite materials


A Tunable Structural Family with Ultralow Thermal Conductivity: Copper-Deficient Cu1–xâ–¡xPb1–xBi1+xS3


Aikinite systems: ultra-low thermal conductivity for thermoelectric applications


Morphologically Tuned, Thermoelectric Bi2Te3 Nanoparticles- Effect of polar solvents


Solution synthesis, processing, and characterisation of nanostructured n- and p-type thermoelectric materials


Thermopower enhancement driven by resonant states in semiconducting Fe2VAlx


Post-treatment effects on the performance of p-type Te/PEDOT:PSS and n-type Ag2Te/PEDOT:PSS hybrid materials for thin film thermoelectrics


Low pressure chemical vapour deposition (LPCVD) of thermoelectric GeTe thin films and generators via a novel single source precurso


Screen-printing of thermoelectric thin films from PbSe colloidal nanocrystals


Direct current stability of composites with copper chalcogenides under application conditions


A novel method of obtaining bulk PbTe-CdTe nanocomposite


Effect of Annealing on Structural and Thermoelectric Properties of Electrodeposited Ternary CuSbTe Thin Films


Thermoelectric Performance of n-Type Magnetic Element Doped Bi2S3


High thermoelectric efficiency in electrodeposited silver selenide films: from Pourbaix diagram to a flexible thermoelectric module


Flexible n-type abundant chalcopyrite/ PEDOT:PSS /graphene hybrid film for thermoelectric device utilizing low grade heat


Flexible Bi2Te3 Films on Polymer Sheets Prepared by the Powder Aerosol Deposition Method at Room Temperature


Application of DT-FGTM approach for the development of thermoelectric modules


Solvothermal synthesis of Cu-rich tetrahedrite - phase analysis and thermoelectric properties

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